
24.01.2008 | The article published in ‘Tomsk news’

Seven best specialists of JSC "Temz"

Today JSC ‘TEMZ’ has a rebirth. Not only the outer appearance but the inner structure of the plant have changed. Administrative buildings and workshops are being reconstructed. Despite the changes, what has remained are people truly loyal to their work. Seven unique qualified specialists awarded the title ‘Honored engineering worker (designer, economist) of the Russian Federation’ work at the plant. You can hardly find another plant in Siberia like ‘TEMZ’ plant.


Till the recent times ’Temz’ plant had only six workers awarded the title ‘Honored engineering worker (designer, economist) of the Russian Federation’. But the president of the Russian Federation has awarded the chief economist of the plant, Lyubov Pavlovna Ivanova, with the title of the Honored worker of the plant…
Lyubov Pavlovna started to work at the plant in 1956 after graduating from the secondary school specialized in mining in Leninsk-Kuznetsk city. First she worked as a timekeeper, than a planner, later she became a deputy chief and finally a chief of OTZ department. Since 1983 she has been working as a chief economist of the plant. Since 1996 Lyubov Ivanovna has taken part as a secretary of the committee of directors. Her diligence and devotion were awarded by the government with the title ‘Honored engineering worker (designer, economist) of the Russian Federation’. We wish her to continue the successful carrier at ‘TEMZ’ plant.



Yury Mihaylovich Bashlykov, a chief of SKB department, was awarded the title of ‘Honored designer of the Russian Federation’ in 2004.
- ‘All my life I’ve devoted to engineering’, he told. The pneumatic drill machine I’ve invented in 1962 is still being produced without considerable changes. I worked as a designer, then as a chief designer, later a chief of the SKB I’ve established. We design products no one in Russia produces. We introduced the drivers (both electric and hydraulic) applied in oil and gas industries. I’ve designed a full scale of the size-types of the chippers of different modifications applied in different fields, including building and mining. We are working on the import-substitutes as well. We wish to design the products of the competitive quality, cheaper than of our competitors. The present goal of our plant is to produce high quality goods.



Vladimir Petrovich Veremeenko was awarded the title ‘Honored engineering worker (designer, economist) of the Russian Federation’ in 1996. His occupation is tools mechanic.
  • 1996 year was a hard time for the plant as well as for other companies, says Vladimir Petrovich. Wages was paid with delay, often substituted with the goods, rather than money. The plant survived mainly due to its working veterans.
  • One must be born a tools mechanic, Veremeenko believes. A tools mechanic is not just a mechanic, he is an elite mechanic, that must be a designer and an engineer with skillful hands at the same time.
Having finished arm service, Vladimir Veremeenko entered a polytechnic institution. After three years he got married and faced the need of money. He quit the day department of the institute and continued studying at the evening department while working at ‘TEMZ’ plant in response to his family needs. He has never regretted that choice and the possibility to have such a creative work. Later Vladimir Petrovich took part in Union-size competition in Harkov city and took the second place. I’m happy, he says. There are a lot of people who can’t find their place in life, the desired work etc. My work is my hobby, that’s what everyone wishes to have and I got it.



I started working at ‘TEMZ’ plant in 1967, says Petr Gavriovich Ushakov. It was like that at those times: no work – no registration, no registration – no work. I was advised to try ‘TEMZ’ plant, to see Slava Markovna Simkina . I met her, told her that I came to Tomsk from a village, didn’t have any friends or relatives in Tomsk. I had only one ruble with me while the return ticket cost two rubles! She helped me to get a room at the dormitory, to get work. So, I started to work at 18, and now I’m 58!
That is how workshops No.2 turner remembers 1990-s in Russia: Since I entered the repair group as a tools turner, what I liked best was that every five minutes I faced something new. I was given an assembly drawing, final measures to choose the tools and do the work. I’m a 6-class turner, I have a production engineer diploma, but I still have to learn something new. 1996 year was a hard, but an interesting year: workshops No. two started to produce chippers, half of its working machines are equipped with a digital control device (DCD). It’s still interesting to work at the plant as we mainly produce new equipment.



Vasily Alexandrovich Shastin was awarded the title ‘Honored engineering worker (designer, economist) of the Russian Federation’ in 1996 as well as Ushakov. Shastin is an electric in electric workshops.
We make the electric wiring, connection and disconnection, says Vasily Aleksandrovich.
While the plant takes on euro standard rebuilding, all the wiring is made by our own means. We take off the old wiring and lay new cables.
Shastin has been working at the plant since 1965. He came from the Urals region. It was hard to get a place at the plant. The uncle, a high-qualified specialist, helped him to settle this matter. Due to the uncles’ protection, he was taken on. ‘New times bring new difficulties. Now we have to work with new equipment, to study new things, but the basic physic laws are still the same, so, I believe I’ll always have a job to do’, that’s how he thinks.



Vera Viktorovna Goncharova was awarded the title ‘Honored engineering worker (designer, economist) of the Russian Federation’ in 1998. She has recently celebrated a half-century anniversary of her working life, all spent at ‘TEMZ’ plant. She is a chief specialist in physical metallurgy and steel and alloy thermal treatment fields, a member of Metallury Association of Russia. Earlier a chief metallurgist of JSC ‘TEMZ’, now a Methodist of the plant’s museum.
Working as a chief metallurgist, she has introduced a cast workshops reconstruction, improved working conditions, and increased the quality of casting. Vera Viktorovna has made up to 50 efficiency suggestions with sound economic effect. At the same time she took part in traditional decorative casting revival.
For the popularization of plant achievements she was awarded three diplomas at the international trade fair ‘Russian coal’ and a personal honored diploma at ‘Nika of Coal’.


Vladimir Alekseevich Ponomarev, a deputy chief of a thermogalvanic workshops, has been working at the plant since 1972. He was awarded the title ‘Honored engineering worker (designer, economist) of the Russian Federation’ in 2004.

- ‘Our products are in deep need today. Our chippers are used all over the country. The plant has a rebirth‘, Ponomarev says. ‘Do you know what was the first object to rebuild? They were the WCs, better than at our flats! It shows our good attitude to our work, our deep considerations of our working conditions. And our director is such a person that is never tired and is constantly moving on and moving the plant forward.’

Yulya Rys’

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